Selfie Project is a fairly new brand to me which I have only seen on the Polish market. The prices are pretty affordable but let’s if the company is cruety-free.
Key facts:
- Tested on animals where required by law? No
- Sold in China? No
- Certified No
- Parent Company? Yes, Maurisse
- Vegan? Some ranges are vegan
- Ingredients tested on animals? No
- Suppliers test on aniamals? No
- Fur used? No
The company does not test either finished products or their ingredients on animals. It also does not commission such tests to third parties.
“Before we agree to collaborate with a supplier, we always find out whether they are testing their products on animals. We cooperate with suppliers who guarantee to us (eg through appropriate certificates) that their products are cruelty-free.”
What about China?
“No. Our products are not available on the Chinese market”
Vegan products?
“We have VEGE Friendly products in our range – eg. Green Detox with Matcha Tea range, where majority of ingredients have a natural origin.”
All seems great but there is one flaw. The parent company which doesn’t have a positive opinion regarding animal testing and my emails are not responded to. Silence from Maurisse, means one thing- animal testing.
Conslusion: Selfie project is cruelty free but is owned by Maurisse, which is not.
Selfie Project has been added to my green list.