Is Naturtint cruelty-free?

Naturtint is a company that specializes in hair care and hair dyes.  Because products are sold in a popular British health store and are labelled as vegan, we can assume that the company is cruelty-free. I decided to contact them directly and find out what their stance on animal testing is.  And I am so glad I did.

Key facts:

  • Tested on animals where required by law? Yes
  • Sold in China? Yes
  • Certified? No
  • Parent company? No
  • Vegan? Yes
  • Ingredients tested on animals? No
  • Suppliers test on animals? No

I sent my standard set of questions to Naturtint in july 2017 and the first response stated the below:

Many thanks for your enquiry and interest in the Naturtint range. We are the distributors of the Naturtint brand for the UK & Ireland but do work closely with the manufacturers who are based in Madrid, Spain.

The products are suitable for Vegans and the manufacturers do not carry out any animal testing during production, nor are any of the ingredients used tested on animals. The product is available internationally, but I would have to check with the manufacturers specifically what countries the brand is available in and come back to you.

I informed them that I will await a response. I waited…and waited… for over a month. I decided to remind them of my question in the middle of August 2017. They responded:

We have sent the enquiry to the manufactures on your behalf, but their factory is closed at the moment due to their summer holidays. They will provide your requested information once they return, once we have received this I will forward it to you.

Raise your hand if you have just rolled your eyes like I did. Someone at Naturtint deserves a creativity award for this excuse.  This made me want to chase them even more. By the end of September 2017 I received a response with a list of countries Naturtint is available in.

In which countries do you sell your products?  USA, Qatar, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Netherland, Belgium, Israel, Dominican Republic, Malasia, Turkey, Canada, UK Ireland, Morocco, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Australia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, China, Mauritius Island, Taiwan, Indonesia, Iceland, Iran.

As you have now expected, Naturtint products are sold in China, which means that their products are tested on animals because it’s required by the Chinese government.

Compared to all other hair dyes available on the British high street, this hair dye would at least be vagan. If you can choose between vegan and non vegan such as L’oreal, Garnier etc, choose the lesser evil. 

Conclusion: Not Cruelty-free

Naturtint has been added to my list of companies that test on animals.

Milena x