Ethical alternatives to animal testing

My latest article on animal testing naturally leads me to the outline of the humane methods of product testing. Scientists have developed multiple modern research approaches which do not require animal use ta all. Some of these apply to the drug  and medicine industry too. If animal testing isn’t required for pharmaceutical purposes, it certainly isn’t required for cosmetic testing. 

Computer Modelling (In Silico)

Human biology and disease progression can now be simulated using advanced computer models which can accurately predict the effects new drugs and cosmetics can have on the human body. QSAR computer based techniques can estimate the extent and likelihood of substances being hazardous.

In Vitro Testing

Microchips lined with human cells mimic the functions of living human organs including the lungs, kidney, skin and others. ‘Organs on chips‘ represent human pathophysiology more accurately than animal models and can offer personalized testing paths.
In cosmetic testing, EpiSkin can be used to test skin irritation and corrosion, exposure to light and UV or bacterial adhesion.


Micro dosing is an experimenting technique where an extremely small amount of substance is given to a volunteer to see how it is metabolized. Imaging solutions monitor this behavior inside the body.

Noninvasive brain imaging and recording techniques on human volunteers can stop the use of animals in brain research.  Cats, monkeys, rats have their brains damaged by the attachment to mechanic equipment. This can be prevented.


Human like patient simulators can perform human behavior such as breathing, bleeding, convulsions, talking or even dying.  Some models perform injuries and diseases whilst expressing suitable biological responses.  Students use this cruelty free method to learn physiology and pharmacology as opposed to cutting animals such as frogs into pieces.

TraumaMan is an advanced  patient simulator which additionally consists of skin layers, internal organs and tissue. These proved to be more effective in surgical testing than operating on pigs, dogs and goats.


Epidemiological studies provide more accurate, human based information on the type of disease and risk factors than injection of the disease into animals in artificial environment.  The effectiveness was proved in establishing the relationship between smoking and cancer,  AIDS transmission or heart disease factors.